Seven boys live in Casa Emmanuel, ranging from roughly 10 to 25 years: Omar, Carlos Perez, Luiz, Pablo, Joel, Carlos Joel, and Brian.

Carlos Perez (right), Omar’s slightly younger brother, is sort of the father figure of the gang. He can be seen shouting orders to the others (indistinguishable to my untrained ear) if they are out of line before misa or skimping on their daily chores in the kitchen. Frankly, he has an opinion on most everything.

Joel (19, left) is nearly always sporting some degree of a drooly smile on his face. On greeting you he offers a handshake and a hearty laugh, before inevit

Carlos Joel (right) has huge ears and is perhaps the liveliest of the bunch, his growth on one side of his body is stunted from falling off a horse. Every time Carlos Joel sees me he asks when I am going to come visit them in hogar, with Carlos Perez often chiming in. They don’t need to do much to win me over. Last is Brian (no photo now), whose calm face often hints at an inner intelligence, though Dorie the volunteer in Casa Emmanuel says she’s yet to find it. Today I found him hiding under the table in Casa Emmanuel because he was upset about something. Though he arrived at the same time as Carlos he is nearly opposite, much more calm and withdrawn.
All are characterized by a stunning familiarity and exuberance with whomever they meet on the ranch. All are quick to smile except Pablo, and only because he’s off in his own world. Pablo’s independence actually led him into trouble a few weeks ago. It happened when the boys were returning across the ranch from working in the kitchen to Casa Emmanual, which they often do. Though they amble haphazardly as they interact with each other and passersby, they eventually make it to the right place. But this time, Pablo became separated and wandered off. In the afternoon Lolita, the Tia that day for Casa Emmanuel, realized he was missing. Soon a grand search was underway for Pablo, involving all the Ranch, employees, volunteers, ano familiares, even the military from the nearby base in La Venta. The extent of the search I am probably not conveying well, as I was off the ranch at the time and did not experience it firsthand. But suffice it to say that on a ranch of 2,000 acres, with hardly any fencing on the perimeter, there was plenty of space where Pablo could be hiding out. All hands were scouring the forests in the dark with flashlights, calling his name. Attempts were made at organizing the search so as to have even separation between the hunters to thoroughly cover as much ground as possible, but like anything here such efficiencies were out of the question, and in the end most did what they pleased.
The search lasted all night and through the morning, and it was not until 10 AM the next morning that Pablo was finally found, in the mountains miles from the ranch. He was found sitting in a hole, glasses intact, playing with a ball that he had been carrying with him the day before, apparently oblivious to the calamity of his situation. He had been missing 20 hours.
Needless to say Lolita, a Tia of ~20 years experience, was let go by the ranch not too long after. This was a very sad time on the Ranch. At least some questioned whether there weren’t financial motives behind the move, as the Ranch is in dire straits with the financial crisis and has let go many employees, including all of colegio (middle school). It was the third time Pablo has gone missing.
In the end, the fortunate thing was the Pablo was found and experienced no harm. There will certainly be more stories to come of Casa Emmanuel; they always find a way to keep things interesting.