Sunday, February 15, 2009

Please Donate to Nuestros Pequeños Hermanos and the Catholic Medical Mission Board

Ok, this is it – my one-time, simple request to readers to support the very good work happening at NPH. To recap, NPH is a non-profit, Catholic organization supporting thousands of orphaned and abandoned children in 9 countries across Latin America. These children are blessed with a stable, loving home that gives them food, clothing, shelter, health care, and opportunities in higher education and vocational training to better their futures and break the cycles of poverty, abuse, and neglect that they have experienced. The children also benefit from the work international volunteers, who give specialized skill sets to expand and enrich the services supporting the children. These areas include teaching, care giving, health, and physical and occupational therapy. The Honduras branch alone is the family for over 500 current Pequeños. NPH also reaches out to the local community with nearly free health care services to needy Hondurans in our community. My work as a clinic assistant is a part of this effort.

In my particular volunteer work as a clinic assistant, I have been blessed to have the sponsorship of the Catholic Medical Mission Board. CMMB is a non-profit that sponsors and places volunteer health care workers all over the world who dedicate themselves to improving third world health care. CMMB has financially supported my year of volunteer service, with airfare and health insurance, so I could come to NPH Honduras, support the clinics here, and work at the Surgery Center that provides direly needed surgical services for the poor at a token of the cost.

Please support these necessary efforts to lift up our brothers and sisters living in poverty in Latin America. As my grandma Treacy would tell me, you can give time, talent, or treasure, and all are important. NPH cannot function without the continued support of its sponsors, and it is all the more evident during this time of economic crises. Our home has laid off care givers, teachers, and the entire psychology department, just to name a few, in anticipation of a 30-40 percent drop in funding. While these are hard times for everyone, this definitely includes non-profits. If you are able to give, your contribution really will make a difference in the lives of these children. I know firsthand. Please give, and you’ll feel good about doing it!

Donations to NPH can be through Friends of the Orphans, the non-profit fundraising organization for NPH in the U.S. You can also choose to continually support a particular child, and exchange letters, photos, and communication with him or her.

If you would like learn more about the Catholic Medical Mission Board, please visit I have also set up a special page to help finance the support I receive, which can be viewed at Thank you very, very much for your support.

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